March 31st
Inverness-shire: Ross's Goose of unknown origin at the top car park at Strathdearn today (David Slater). Little Egret in the bay at Castle Stuart (Colin Leslie). A Chiffchaff singing this morning at Merkinch wood, but no sign of the drake American Wigeon nearby (Al McNee). Lochaber: 5 Snow Buntings at the CIC hut below the north face of Ben Nevis (Stuart Crutchfield). Skye and Lochalsh: 2 x 3CY and 1 x 2CY Iceland Gulls at Broadford Bay today (Bob McMillan). Sutherland: 32 Sandwich Terns at Skelbo and 2 Ospreys fishing at Loch Fleet also a Red-throated Diver at the Mound (Dean MacAskill). March 30th
Lochaber: Nuthatch near Arisaig today, in same area as a few days ago near Loch nan Eala (Bob McMillan). No sign of the Black Duck or any hybrids at Strontian today (Jonny Rankin). Ring-necked Duck at Acharacle again at 1pm (Jonny Rankin), juvenile Iceland Gull from the ferry in Sound of Sleat (Bob McMillan). Easter Ross: Red-necked Grebe past Chanonry Point at 11am on incoming tide (Chris and Tony Johnson). 2 Velvet Scoters southeast past Tarbat Ness this morning (Dave Tanner). Inverness-shire: At 1435pm today, movement inbound (east) past Chanonry Point, of at least 1300 Long-tailed Duck in very tight flock in the easterly wind (David and Mary Galloway). Build-up of Black-tailed Godwits through the day up to 40 at Toll Cottage, Ardersier (Marcus Conway). March 29th
Badenoch and Strathspey: 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Granish tip, Aviemore this morning (Roger Tozer). Lochaber: Drake Ring-necked Duck still on Loch Shiel at Acharacle off the old pier at 3pm (RBA). 59 Greenland White-fronted Geese near the River Shiel, Acharacle today (A Dacre). 2CY Iceland Gull at Kilchoan on the saltings opposite turning to Steading Holidays at 1745pm at NM485635 (RBA). Inverness-shire: 8 Sandwich Terns and 1 Gannet at Fort George this afternoon, also a Leucistic Pink-footed Goose next to the B9006 road to Ardersier (All Colin Leslie). March 28th
Inverness-shire: 5 Waxwings flew over whiteness Bay heading for Fort George, also 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Sandwich Terns and a Wheatear (Jon Clarke). Chiffchaff at Culloden (J Gordon). Drake American Wigeon still present Wednesday afternoon with c10 Eurasian Wigeon on the Muirtown Basin near the moorings (Al McNee). Easter Ross: 2 Sandwich Terns flew southeast past Tarbat Ness this morning (Dave Tanner). 2CY Iceland Gull still at the fish factory in Dingwall today (Simon Cohen). Hybrid drake American x Eurasian Wigeon still present at Loch Kinellan (David Edge). Skye and Lochalsh: 2 juvenile Iceland Gulls at the mouth of the Boradford River (RBA). Lochaber: Iceland Gull on Eigg at Kildonan Bay (RBA). Sutherland: Single Sandwich Tern at Keoldale (Mike Fitch). March 27th
Inverness-shire: Drake American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock today at 10am (RBA). March 26th
Easter Ross: Hybrid drake American x Eurasian Wigeon at Loch Kinellan for it's 5th day, also singing Chiffchaff (Peter Stronach/ Keith Barnes). 2CY Iceland Gull still at Dingwall Business Park at fish factory at 1pm (Simon Cohen). Wester Ross: Lapland Bunting still at Achnahaird today with Skylarks in the dunes/saltmarsh below Achnahaird Farm (Bob McMillan). Red-necked Grebe in Achnahaird bay yesterday (Christine Reeve). Lochaber: Drake Ring-necked Duck on Loch Shiel at Acharacle from jetty at 1550pm (RBA). Skye and Lochalsh: 2CY Iceland Gull in Broadford Bay today (Neil Bennett). The hybrid drake American x Eurasian Wigeon at Loch Kinellan bears more than a passing resemblance to this bird on North Ronaldsay on the 15th March 2018 and this bird from Druridge Bay in England on the 18th February 2018. March 25th
Lochaber: Nuthatch reported today from Loch nan Eala, Arisaig, also Gadwall on the loch (Ronnie Dyer). Wester Ross: Lapland Bunting at Achnahaird today with Skylarks in the dunes/saltmarsh below Achnahaird Farm. Inverness-shire: Chiffchaff singing Whiteness at 10.00 am (David Carter). March 24th
Easter Ross: At 1700pm one Greenland White-fronted with 900ca Pink-feet at NH713587, just south of Raddery on the Black Isle until disturbed (Mary Galloway). Inverness-shire: Drake American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock today (RBA). March 23rd
Badenoch and Strathspey: Male Black Redstart still at Broomhill Bridge all day, just upstream of the bridge on the north side along fenceline, also seen close to Broomhill station building on the slope between the rail tracks and the A95. Easter Ross: Velvet Scoter past Tarbat Ness this morning (Dave Tanner). Lochaber: Adult drake Black Duck reported today at Strontian on the river near the Ariundle Centre at 2.30pm (RBA), note a drake hybrid Black Duck is still in the area!. Manx Shearwater off Kildonan Point, Eigg today. Female Wheatear on Eigg today. Skye and Lochalsh: First-winter Iceland Gull off Portree. First Manx Shearwater today for this year in Lochaber off Eigg. March 22rd
Inverness-shire: Drake American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock, just on the outside of the locks (Rob Hughes). 16 Waxwing still at 1615pm in trees along Old Town Road behind Hilton Community Centre. 112+ Scaup this afternoon at Alturlie, plus a solitary summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe (Mike Crutch). Male Blackcap on bird feeder in Inverness (David Carter). Badenoch and Strathspey: Male Black Redstart at Broomhill Bridge at 1630pm, just upstream of the bridge on the north side along fenceline, later moving to the station building (John Poyner). Easter Ross: At Nigg Bay, Female/Ringtail Hen Harrier flew in front of hide, also 25 + Pale-bellied Brent Geese and 3 Knot (Robert Carberry). European White-fronted Goose still at Rhynie, Loch Eye today (NH843798) plus 26 Barnacle Geese along with Greylags and Pinkfeet (Bob Swann). March 21st
Inverness-shire: 16 Waxwings in trees opposite Hilton Coop by church in Inverness at 1pm (Ian Herd). Great Grey Shrike still at Meall Mor, park at layby at NH7534935622 and view across clearfell, today the bird was at the red dot in the photo below (Steve Broyd). Easter Ross: The 2CY Iceland gull was on the fish factory roof in Dingwall Business Park again today at 13.30pm (Simon Cohen). Badenoch and Strathspey: Osprey flying over Aviemore at 0850am heading towards Rothiemurchus fish farm (Roger Tozer). Skye and Lochalsh: Male Wheatear on Skye today (Bob McMillan). March 20th
Inverness-shire: Great Grey Shrike at Meall Mor near Moy today at NH7534935622 (Colin Leslie). Drake American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock again today (P Insole). Lochaber: Hybrid drake Black Duck at Strontian today, an adult and Juvenile Iceland Gull and a juvenile Glaucous Gull at Resipole and three juvenile Iceland Gulls at Duisky on Loch Eil (Bob McMillan). Skye and Lochalsh: Bonxie in Broadford Bay today (Martin Benson). Two 2CY Iceland Gulls at Portree today. 3CY Iceland Gull today at Uig (Seth Gibson). Easter Ross: Drake American Wigeon at Tain again today (Bob Swann). Calling Chiffchaff at Rosemarkie (Susan Seright). Sutherland: Adult Lesser Black-backed Gull at the Kyle of Tongue causeway (Simon Cohen). First Chiffchaff record for the year from Rosemarkie in Easter Ross. Also the first Bonxie record of the year on the west coast, single east coast record from the 3rd March at Embo. March 19th
Easter Ross: Juvenile Iceland Gull still in Dingwall at the fish factory on Fodderty Way at 0930am (Dave Tanner). European White-fronted Goose and six Barnacle Geese at Rhynie (here) next to Loch Eye (Bob Swann). Dead Slavonian Grebe found amongst the seabird wreck at Dornoch Point today. Badenoch and Strathspey: 2CY Iceland gull still on Granish tip, Aviemore today. Inverness-shire: Single White-fronted Goose sp. on the sea at Ardersier today (Marcus Conway). March 18th
Sutherland: Storm blown Grey Phalarope found dead in the dunes behind Brora beach yesterday (S Haddon, R Hughes). Easter Ross: Storm blown Guillemot on the River Peffery in Dingwall today (Gary Deplacido). Single Sandwich Tern southwest over Tarbat Ness this morning into the Dornoch Firth (Dave Tanner). At Chanonry Point today at 5pm, single Iceland Gull (2CY) flew from Rosemarkie Bay, past point and in towards Inverness, later 2 Sandwich Terns inbound past Chanonry Point and half an hour later exited. Lochaber: Drake Ring-necked Duck still on Loch Shiel at at Acharacle viewable from the jetty at 8am (RBA). Juvenile Iceland Gull at Lochaline at Fiunary on fish farm cages (Birdguides). Three Iceland Gulls (ad, 3CY and 2CY) at Strontian on Loch Sunart opposite Resipole Farm Caravan Park at 0815am and a juvenile Glaucous Gull (Birdguides). Skye and Lochalsh: Juvenile Iceland Gull at Greshornish at the fish farm (Birdguides). March 17th
Sutherland: Sandwich Tern at Loch Fleet from Littleferry (Paul Baxter). Skye and Lochalsh: 2CY Iceland Gull picked up exhausted at Kyleakin Obbe, taken into care in the International Otter Survival Fund. Badenoch and Strathspey: 2CY Iceland Gull at Granish tip, Aviemore then flew into field adjacent to water treatment plant (Roger Tozer). First Sandwich Tern of the year reported back. Birders please, if you find any seabirds washed up on the beaches of the east coast following the beast from the east and mini-beast please record details and see the following link, many thanks!. March 16th
Easter Ross: Juvenile Iceland Gull still at 10.30am in Dingwall on the fish factory roof on Blairnaparc Road (Keith/Langdon/Mike Hoit). First-winter Glaucous Gull out of the Dornoch Firth then southeast past tarbat Ness this morning (Dave Tanner). Sutherland: No sign of drake Ring-necked Duck on Little Loch Shin today (Keith Langdon/Mike Hoit). No sign of American Wigeon at Tain today (RBA). Inverness-shire: Four Slavonian Grebes back on Loch Ruthven. March 15th
Easter Ross: "Blue" Fulmar past Tarbat Ness this morning southwest into Dornoch Firth (Dave Tanner).Immature Glaucous gull and adult Little Gull feeding at high-tide on the shore by Embo pier also Nordic type Jackdaw at caravan park (Mike Hoit, Keith Langdon, Dean MacAskill). Immature iceland Gull still on the roof of the fish factory in Dingwall today (Simon Cohen). Sutherland: Adult Greenland White-fronted Goose 1.5 miles westsouthwest of Golspie at Culmaily south of A9 with Pink-feet at 1.15pm and 2 Barnacle Geese (Keith Langdon and Mike Hoit). Inverness-shire: Drake Green-winged Teal still at Loch Flemington today (Jon Clarke). March 14th
Inverness-shire: No sign of drake American Wigeon at Clachnaharry sea lock this morning (RBA). March 13th
Easter Ross: Osprey reported from Cromarty Bridge this morning (RBA). Badenoch and Strathspey: 2CY Iceland Gull at Granish landfill, Aviemore today (Roger Tozer). First Osprey of the spring reported from Cromarty Bridge. March 12th
No reports. March 11th
Easter Ross: Drake American Wigeon at Inver, on the estuary just off the bus stop this evening, also drake American Wigeon still at Tain burn mouth (Keith Langdon and Mike Hoit). Juvenile Glaucous Gull flew southwest past Tarbat Ness and 3 Velvet Scoter (Dave Tanner). Sutherland: Drake Ring-necked Duck still at Little Loch Shin today, also first-winter Greenland White-fronted Goose between Ardgay and Bonar Bridge with Greylags on Dornoch Firth late afternoon. Immature White-tailed Eagle flew high northeast over Loch an Lagain (North of Migdale) towards Loch Fleet (Keith Langdon and Mike Hoit). Badenoch and Strathspey: Drake Mandarin Duck this morning on the River Dulnain just upstream from Dulnain Bridge at NH972246 (Pete Moore). Skye and Lochalsh: Third-winter Glaucous Gull at Portree at the pier (RBA). Inverness-shire: Fort George 1 Black-throated and 2 Red-throated Divers, one Slavonian Grebe and five Magpies (Colin Leslie). March 10th
Sutherland: Drake Ring-necked Duck still at Little Loch Shin today (Keith Langdon and Mike Hoit). Easter Ross: 4 Velvet Scoter past Tarbat Ness, and a Black-throated Diver and Slavonian Grebe feeding off the point (Dave Tanner). Inverness-shire: At Castle Stuart Bay this morning, 240+ Curlew, 4 Barnacle Geese with large flock of Pinkfeet, 17 Golden Plover, 2 Pintail and a Kingfisher (Colin Leslie). March 9th
Sutherland: Drake Ring-necked Duck still on Little Loch Shin (Andrea Goddard). March 8th
Sutherland: Drake Ring-necked Duck still on Little Loch Shin (Dave Tanner). Single Pale-bellied Brent on rocks just south Embo pier 1pm today (Mary Galloway). Easter Ross: Two immature White-tailed Eagles flew south east over Loch Eye this morning (Bob Swann). Badenoch and Strathspey: Iceland Gull at Granish tip, Aviemore (Pete Gordon). Wester Ross: 1 Iceland Gull and 1 Glaucous Gull at the pier at Ullapool this morning. 1 Iceland Gull at the fish farm Ardmair this afternoon (Ann Sime). March 7th
Badenoch and Strathspey: First-winter Iceland Gull at Granish tip, Aviemore at 1645pm (John Poyner). Inverness-shire: Drake American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock paired with a female Wigeon this afternoon (Bob McMillan). 2 Gadwall at Whiteness today (Jon Clarke). Easter Ross: Drake American Wigeon still at Tain links today (Bob Swann). March 6th
Easter Ross: Mixed flock of 200 Skylarks and 150 Snow Buntings near Cromarty at NH7476464151, also drake American Wigeon still present at Udale Bay (John Poyner). March 5th
Lochaber: Juvenile Iceland Gull still at the mouth of River Lochy at Fort William (Stuart Crutchfield). 2 Juvenile Iceland Gulls at Kilmory, Rum (Sean Morris). Skye and Lochalsh: Jack Sipe at Lower Milovaig (AS). Inverness-shire: Drake Green-winged Teal showing well on ice at Loch Flemington today (Dave Tanner). Drake American Wigeon again at Clachnaharry sea lock. 140 Scaup and 3 Slavonian Grebe off Milton of Culloden, and 3 Barnacle Geese with Pink-footed Geese at Castle Stuart (Mark Warren). Badenoch and Strathspey: Adult Iceland Gull at Granish Tip, Aviemore (Mark Warren). 3 Grey Partridges Balliefurth – presumably released, Grey Wagtail at Castle Roy, Nethy and Moorhen at River Spey near Revack (Pete Gordon). Wester Ross: There was a single Iceland Gull at Ullapool harbour and 3 Iceland Gulls at the river mouth and the Viking Gull (Tessa Rhodes). Late news of a Rough-legged Buzzard reported from Glen Strathfarrar at NH357393 on Thursday 1st March. March 4th
Easter Ross: 1st winter Iceland Gull was on the roof of the Dingwall Fish Factory this morning at 09:45am (David Edge). Inverness-shire: 22 Golden Plover at Fort George this morning and lots of Guillemot and Razorbill movement and 5 Red Throated Divers (Colin Leslie). March 3rd
Sutherland: A single Blue Fulmar flew north this afternoon and a Bonxie south (Dean MacAskill). Easter Ross: Juvenile Iceland gull still at fish factory on Dingwall Business Park at 11.30 today (Simon Cohen). First Bonxie of the year at Embo today. March 2nd
Easter Ross: Two Jack Snipe along with 4 Common Snipe in the small stream in the field just south of Cromarty (between the village and the South Sutor) in the area known locally as the Reid park loop just along from the bowling club (Kevin Davis). 2 Little Auk at Chanonry Point flying east at around 10:00 am (Tim Meredith). Inverness-shire: 130+ Scaup close in at Milton of Culloden at 1:30 also there 1 Kingfisher (Tim Meredith). 14 waxwings seen at Milton of Leys Primary School, Inverness at 11am today (David Bain). March 1st
Badenoch and Strathspey: 5 Snow Buntings in stubble fields between Broomhill Bridge and Nethy Bridge today, and 10 Bramblings still in setaside c500m east along the Speyside Way at Nethy Bridge (Mark Warren). Skye and Lochalsh: 3 juvenile Iceland Gulls at Portree this morning and 3 Snow Buntings at cattle feeders on Heaste Road (JDJ and NB). Inverness-shire: American Wigeon still at Clachnaharry sea lock this afternoon (Colin Leslie). Easter Ross: At Udale Bay this morning, drake American Wigeon in front of hide sitting on the ice flows! Also 2CY Iceland Gull briefly before it flew towards jemimaville (Kevin Davis). |